Sam, Reflection, Gathering Together!

English Deutsch

Introduction Sam, Reflection, Gathering Together! (*) is a music education research project initiated at the Bern University for the Arts (HKB, Switzerland) in collaboration with Natanakairali, an institution for the performing arts in Irinjalakuda (Kerala, India). It was first presented at the biannual conference of the International Society for Music Education held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (ISME 2006) in order to explore the vast potential for applying Indian music in general education and music therapy.

The need for such an awareness stems from the fact that a majority of children in most countries have little or no opportunity to experience the joy of making music together. Members of the elites of every civilized country in the world are, however, fully aware of the scientifically proven benefits of music making, so much so as to ensure that their own children are musically educated in some way or other.

If you are interested in specific aspects not yet covered in the English section of this website, feel free to contact the project initiators for more information (see Contact on the left). >> About the word sam in project title >>

(*) Officially titled Sam, Sammlung, Zusammen! Stimmen und Hände im Umfeld des traditionellen indischen (Tanz-) Theaters; English subtitle: Voices and hands in traditional Indian (dance) theatre, January 2005 - December 2006